簡約風的FTL又來了.真快又一週了,現在只要跟著題目公佈的腳步走,就不用擔心錯過了.因為有很多深色的紙張,於是決定好好使用它們,儘快消化光@@於是拿出炫麗紙,配上簡單的亮面緞帶.(耰耰可能會想揍我吧!!雙面拿來單面用.因為簡約咩!!顏色適當的只有它了@@)接著拿出木製的裝飾物.很可愛吧!!最後用一個字章,我改做成比ATC大一點,讓它更像謝卡了.^^FTL64 Sketch Challenge:
So pretty! Love the shimmery paper you've used!版主回覆:(10/16/2009 12:34:03 AM) I also can not make the kind of simple and beautiful as you feel ""Next time effort.
So pretty! Love the shimmery paper you've used!
回覆刪除版主回覆:(10/16/2009 12:34:03 AM)
I also can not make the kind of simple and beautiful as you feel ""
Next time effort.